Why choose a childminder?
This is a question I know a lot of parents ask when choosing childcare for their precious little child.
Well, where do we start and just how much time have you got? There are so many excellent reasons to choose a childminder, not just for your precious little one, but also for you, as a parent, managing work with parenthood!
I've listed below some of the reasons that I have heard from parents over the years, but also from when my own son went to a childminders - hopefully they will help you to view childminding as a profession and not just a babysitting service - we are so much more than that!
Remember - Childminders are Early Years Professionals and adhere to the same rules, guidance and Early Years Foundation Stage as other early years settings.
So, why choose a childminder:-
-Children make excellent progress in a childminding setting, as the attention is more on an individual basis.
-Activities can be tailored to children specifically as a childminder will know a child so well - its all about knowing and understanding each child.
-Children can be with older children, which is excellent for their social and overall development.
-Children learn so much from being with other children, especially with older children.
-Children can go so many different activities, walking outside to wildflower meadows, having our own canal bridge, and seeing/learning about specific things they see.
-Childminders can be more flexible and offer more of a flexible childcare option.
-Childminders are more aware of how hard it is to be a working parent and as such will not take advantage of parents in terms of additional costs, consumables and lack of flexibility.
-Childminders are extremely professional when it comes to providing childcare.
-Children benefit from being part of a family, when they attend a childminding setting - they become part of the family and feel secure and safe as a result.
-Children thrive when they feel secure and safe and enjoy the things they are doing and learning.
-Being a childminder is very hard work but so rewarding, and childminders invariably do the job because they love to see the progress children make.
For me, I love being a childminder because I love to see my little ones develop into strong, happy, secure, confidence, independent little ones, ready to start school and see the world.
Its also great to help parents settle into the work/parent routine and to make the transition back to work a lot easier.
It can be very hard work at times, but it is always rewarded - especially when the children come in everyday, happy and not looking back at their parents, and they go home, tired and happy from a day of learning and having fun.
So, remember childminders are Early Years Professionals; and we can offer a wonderful, flexible, happy childcare option - if in doubt, just drop us a line and ask us and our parents and children!
Tracy Hodge Ofsted Childminder