My last and 4th Ofsted Inspection took place in January 2019, and I was extremely pleased to achieve the top grading of Outstanding. The grading is based on the following criteria:
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
Summary of Key Findings
“The childminder has very high expectations of the young children and what they can achieve.
She quickly identifies where children need extra support, plans meticulously for their development".
" She continually challenges and extends the most able children, so they continue to have a thirst for learning and they make excellent progress in their development”.
“Partnerships with parents and highly successful in providing consistent support for children’s developmental needs”.
“Children’s behaviour is exemplary. Young children show kindness and consideration for their friends. Children show respect for others and their environment. They know the boundaries and expectations”.
“The childminder is extremely skilled in promoting children’s communication and language and they reach better than expected levels of development. She seeks their views and ideas and young children actively and confidently communicate to discussions. The younger children communicate their needs using hand signs”.
Other comments
“She identifies strategies that are successful in raising outcomes to the highest level."
“The childminder supports young children’s literacy sills effectively to extend their excellent development”.
“Children show they have very strong attachments with the childminder and their friends”.
“They thoroughly enjoy trips out in the local environment and physical activity.”
“All the children, even the youngest are extremely eager to learn and concentrate for long periods in their activities."
"They develop a real love of books and join in, saying rhyming words. "
"They take turns in conversations, listen to other’s views and are extremely sociable."
" They develop the firm foundations they need for the next stage in their learning, including school”.
Tracy Hodge Ofsted Childminder
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